Rons Junk Piling Up

Rons Junk is piling up so just a quick, no frills post because the internet here is fading in and out. Check Rons Junk on Thanks for your continued support and have a nice day.

Lust for Life

Lust for life has caused me to start my days early for as long as I can remember. Surfing, fishing, snowboarding, etc., always has me waking up long before dawn to get going. Even now when I hardly have any material things left, start the day before dawn to get 100% out of each and … Read more

The Website Grows

The website grows with a major addition of the story of my trip to Mexico and Central America in 1978. Click on the photo below to check it out. Once the website structure is in place, I will add more content. Gotta have book shelves if you want a lot of books. A key … Read more

Behind the Scenes

Since life has presented me with the time and, barely the means, to do something, that’s what I’m doing. Getting back to what’s real enables you to think and see more clearly. The covenants of modern American society(daily life and responsibilities), take nearly all of your time and effort. That makes it hard to do … Read more

Homepage Photos

The new Homepage Photos page has the photos from the slideshow. The slideshow is automatic so you can’t view individual photos like you can on the Homepage Photos page. I’m going through thousands of photos and will be adding the most interesting ones as soon as possible. Some of the photos on the Homepage … Read more – Welcome

At this point, is not officially online, but most of the technical aspects of website have been finished with a few loose ends to clear up. This is the semi-regular daily blog like I have over at the WatermanAtWork blog. I’m going through a lot of photos, videos and other interesting things that will … Read more