– Welcome

At this point, is not officially online, but most of the technical aspects of website have been finished with a few loose ends to clear up. This is the semi-regular daily blog like I have over at the WatermanAtWork blog. I’m going through a lot of photos, videos and other interesting things that will eventually wind up on the website and this blog will be the place for more current events and information. While I’m fine tuning the computer code, this blog should be fully operational.

This entire website has been designed, built and managed on solar power so I’ve been putting in some long, sunny days behind the computer. Some excitement early this morning with a total lunar eclipse. By the time I woke up at 0230 local time, the eclipse was well under way. What had been a very bright full moon night a couple hours ago was almost completely dark.

Lunar eclipse 11-2-22

About 0300, the eclipse of the moon was near totality with the “Blood Moon” effect living up to the nickname.

Lunar eclipse 11-2-22

So the website and blog are live and on the air. There is going to be a lot going on now that the framework is in place and there are going to be photos, videos and the proverbial much, much more.

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