Adding More Junk All the Time

I see that the website is getting a few more visitors, so if that’s you, I hope you have a good time while you are here.

Looking at these photos from the past fifty years is like going back in time. I’ll try to add more photos as soon as possible. I have not even started to go through old movies and videos. A lot of the video has been lost due to sheer bulk. I had so much video, it was not possible to transfer all the material to digital. I tried to save the best stuff, but I only have about four terabytes of digital video.

I have added more photos on the More Rons Junk page. It’s a continuation of the Rons Junk page. Too many photos on one page makes the photos load slower, especially with a slow internet connection. There will probably be an Even More Rons Junk page coming soon.

I’m working on another project that will be released shortly and I’m hoping to post more kayak fishing photos and video at the Blog.

Check back soon!

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