Blowing in the Wind

The winter season here in the desert southwest is quickly coming to an end. It has been exceptionally cool and windy this winter, especially the wind. It has been virtually non-stop all winter. In the desert, with no shelter from the elements, any wind over 20 mph makes things quite miserable, blowing dust gets into just about everything. It’s a few days before Easter weekend, which usually marks the end of winter and the beginning of summer in the desert, it is windy and quite cool. The temperature has been 5°-10°F cooler than normal. Add the now typical 10-25 mph wind chill which makes for very non desert-like weather.

Most of the people who camp here through the winter have left. Usually, people leave because of the heat. It can be near 100°F here at this time of year, the temperature hasn’t come within 15° of that so far this year. People are leaving because the the non-stop wind and cold weather. Most of the people who are left are people like me, really nowhere to go. As bad as the weather is here, it’s worse back in the Cascade Mountains.

Desert Sunrise3-6-23

The wind has really killed the kayak fishing season. Kayak fishing and riding my bike are all I have left. I’m not getting any younger, every missed day ain’t coming back. I was able to get out to go fishing during a short break in the wind. Of course the fishing was good, makes me wonder how many days of good fishing were blown away by the desert wind. It was nice to finally be able to write and produce content for the kayak fishing blog. Until the fish started going extinct, fishing was almost always a positive thing.

With no kayak fishing, the days have mostly been working on this website and, which is the dark side of things and the circumstances of how I wound up living in my truck because I stopped for a stop sign. American society is unravelling and, lucky for me, I’m on the front line taking pictures and writing about the decline of America. Not exactly how I planned to spend my golden years, but it’s something I feel I have to do. You do something or you don’t. The website is made but not online yet. Speaking the truth in America is a dangerous thing, I have enough trouble as it is.

The good news is that I have also added another Ron’s Junk page of photos. Creatively titled More Ron’s Junk, it’s a continuation of the trip down memory lane starting with Ron’s Junk. Click on the photos for a description or additional photos.

While I didn’t get to do a lot of fishing, which a retired guy should be able to do, I have had the opportunity to do what I know I needed to do. The value of my efforts is not for me to judge. I record what I see and what I experience, that’s all I can do.

Rear Window 4-1-23

I will be mobile again in a couple weeks. With the weather gone crazy, it’s hard to know what to do. Usually, this is prime fishing season. I’m hoping to get in a few more kayak fishing trips because there is no guarantee there will be a kayak fishing season next winter. I plan to hang out with my friend Mike in Oceanside to talk about the good old surfing days before I head back to White Salmon. I have an unusually unsettled feeling, but it could be indigestion.

Like it says in the Bible “the answer is blowing in the wind”.

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