Lust for Life

Lust for life has caused me to start my days early for as long as I can remember. Surfing, fishing, snowboarding, etc., always has me waking up long before dawn to get going. Even now when I hardly have any material things left, start the day before dawn to get 100% out of each and every day.

Dawn of another day

Every morning I get up at 0530 or earlier. Normally, I would be waking up earlier to go kayak fishing, but since the Colorado River is nearly dry, I walk four or five miles before sunrise.

Hiking boots

These hiking boots are a lot nicer than the ones I had following the semi truck accident when I had to walk myself back from injury one step at a time.

When the sun rises above the desert hills and hits the solar panel, I’m in the back of the truck working on the laptop.

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