The Website Grows

The website grows with a major addition of the story of my trip to Mexico and Central America in 1978. Click on the photo below to check it out.

Costa Rica 1978

Once the website structure is in place, I will add more content. Gotta have book shelves if you want a lot of books. A key Site Menu page was added to access everything on the website from one spot.

I’m here on the Colorado River hoping to get some kayak fishing in before I die of old age or America crumbles into chaos, but the only news these days is bad news. The water level of the Colorado River is so low, the fish and wildlife have disappeared. If you’re a fish and the river runs dry, you’ve got a problem that us humans may be facing soon enough. You can read about it here on the blog.

CO River sunrise

It’s beautiful, but what you can’t see is that there should be 75% more water in the photo.

Since there doesn’t appear to be much kayak fishing to add to the website in the near future so look for more additions to

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