
I’m up in the summer pasture dealing with suddenly very hot weather, closed bridges and a tense situation that’s probably just about everywhere in America. I’ve been riding my mountain bike as much as I can, because I have the feeling that, one way or another, me riding a bike through the beautiful forest will … Read more

Changes in Latitude

Changes in latitude as I head north from Arizona to Washington with a stop in Oceanside, CA. This is the fifth year since I’ve made this annual trip north and it’s always a little different. The kayak fishing at the end of the winter long term camping season was cut a few weeks short with … Read more

May 4, 1970

May 4, 1970 was the date of the Kent State massacre. I was a senior at Euclid High School. I know people who went to school at Kent State and had been there several times. I’ll always remember how small the dorm rooms were. It felt like the college campus shootings happened right down the … Read more

Heading North

It’s that time of year to leave the desert and heading north home to Washington, although these days I wonder where home is or if I have a home at all. All the mostly elderly people who spend winters in the desert, the local fishermen I’ve met here and my friends all asking the same … Read more

Stormy Weather

Stormy weather and working on the website are pretty much what’s happening right now. The enjoyable content production here on is slow right now because I am working on the website and my other website dealing with what happened to me and five years living on the side of the road. This … Read more

Desert Photos

Not much to report on at this time. Waiting for the desert wind to stop so I can get back on the water. A few photos from the desert, mostly morning and evening when the wind is not blowing as hard. Hoping the wind dies tomorrow so I can go kayak fishing. It seems to … Read more

Winter in the Desert

It is winter in the desert. I first started coming here to go fishing during the Pacific Northwest winter and it has become my winter home because, at seventy one years of age, living outdoors during the Cascade Mountain winter is just not possible. Injuries I suffered during the semi truck accident in 2018 make … Read more

Veterans Day 2023

It is a cold and very windy November 11 in the Sonoran Desert. In an area near the Colorado River and not far from Mexico is a wind blown group of older RVs, campers, cars and tents flapping in the strong desert wind. This is an area once frequented by substantial numbers of winter visitors … Read more

Things I’m Thankful For

It’s been about five years since being hit by a semi truck in a construction zone. Since being put on the street by the people who were supposed to be protecting me, I’ve managed to stabilize my situation and carry on with what’s left of my life. Relatively speaking, I’m doing better since the rest … Read more

Orionid Meteor Shower

The peak of the October 2023 Orionid meteor shower was a few days ago. There were clear skies here in the desert southwest and minimal light pollution. There is a fair sized city about twenty five miles away and a number of military bases nearby, so there are some lights. I’m not exactly set up … Read more